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je suisse (or not)

Camilla Parini assembles and deconstructs an idea of family, identity belonging, and memory through narrative remembering and one-to-one encounters. Are we what we remember? How important is the place we come from? What about the stories we tell ourselves?  Cutting and stitching together photographic memories and wearing a polar bear costume, Camilla shares an unedited version of her personal history playing between the real and the fantastic, between the inability to define herself and the urge to be told.

«My grandmother enjoyed telling lies, or at least, I liked to think that it was a divertissement for her, and that after all, it was just her way to tell her truth. One day she told me: remember to look for the bear! Then in between, life passed, and I forgot many things.»

ph. BrusorioFotografia.jpg


by and with Camilla Parini ‎| artistic collaboration Francesca Sproccati, Simon Waldvogel ‎| dramaturgy support Jessica Huber ‎| video, pictures Amos Pellegrinelli, Francesca Sproccati ‎| graphic design and printing Complice Press, Lugano ‎| technique Alessandro Macchi ‎| production Collettivo Treppenwitz ‎| coproduction far° Nyon e Südpol Luzern nell’ambito del programma Extra Time Plus ‎| in collaboration with FIT Festival Internazionale del Teatro e della scena contemporanea, LAC Lugano Arte e Cultura e Cima Città | supported by Pro Helvetia - Fondazione svizzera per la cultura, DECS Repubblica e Cantone Ticino - Fondo Swisslos, Fondation Ernst Göhner, Fondation Landis&Gyr, Fondation Edith Maryon, Fondation Johnson, Città di Lugano, Comune di Agno | thanks to all the people who voluntarily or involuntarily participated in the creation of the material, starting with my family


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